Hi! I'm Simon Sarachu. Graduated Game Dev and 2D artist. I've been working on the videogame industry as a 2D Artist and 2D animator since 2020. Also,
during the pandemic, i worked as a Freelance Graphic Designer and managed to get various clients, designing logos and even animations for their upcoming
brands and bussineses.
Play my games here!
TRC Studio is a mainly videogame studio in which we mostly participate in jams and design quick and original videogames. Since 2020 we've created several videogames that always hit top 3, if not, winning.
I worked on the Graphic Design (sprites, animations, menus, interfaces, icons) of the videogame Celuloids that the studio was developing. During my time working on the project, i did almost 250 illustrations for it (sprites, animations, menus interfaces, etc).